β€œAt different levels it means different things.”

-The gray area with clarity

About Comprehensive Case Conceptualization Consultations

For EMDR Therapists, EMDR Consultants and Therapists in need of a comprehensive approach

Welcome, I hear you need some guidance

Comprehensive case conceptualization is central to the growth in a therapeutic process. It is critical to the success of therapy to have reasonable goals.

The realization that the therapist is frequently wrong is one of the great therapeutic revelations (McWilliams, 2021).

Along with being an approved EMDR Consultant, I also have experience in clinical supervision of pre-licensed therapists, facilitating clinical consultation groups and one-on-one clinical consultation for complex cases and layered traumas.

My intent is to offer an inviting space where growth and human curiosity can emerge

What you can look forward to:

  • Tailored levels of case organization techniques

  • Integration of human developmental stages

  • Difference between process work and reprocessing

  • Treatment considerations for complex cases

  • Distilling personal desires into therapy goals

  • Cultural Awareness best practice considerations

  • Therapy best practice considerations for dissociation

  • Considerations that are not pathological

  • Interweaving transference material


EMDR Individual CIT Consultations


Professional Speaker Presentation